While everyone knows about the dangers of automobile emissions and air pollutants from a car's exhaust, many people are unaware of the harmful toxins found right inside their cars. Here are three common automobile toxins and their potential health dangers.
Asbestos is only one harmful toxin found in many automobiles, but it is the one most-often discussed. While asbestos is more prevalent in older models, many newer cars also harbor the subtance. Asbestos is a fibrous mineral found around the world.
It was a common manufacturing additive throughout the early twentieth century, especially in the automotive industry. Manufacturers used asbestos in numerous automotive parts, including hood liners, brake and clutch assemblies, valve rings, seals, and gaskets.
Asbestos has unique heat-resistant, fire-retardant properties. Not only was it popular in automotive parts, but asbestos was readily used in home insulation and building construction for decades. The United States government banned its use in the 1970s, when the public became aware of potential health dangers.
Studies have linked asbestos exposure to lung cancer, mesothelioma, and other respiratory problems. Even today, asbestos poses serious health risks for car owners, service technicians, and hobbyists. Asbestos fibers inhaled into the lungs can cause mesothelioma, and the disease may lie dormant for years. By the time it can be diagnosed, the prognosis is grim.
Polybrominated Biphenyls
A group of chemicals called polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) are common automobile toxins. Since they cannot chemically bond to other materials, they are released into the air as toxic vapors.
Phthalate esters, PBB equivalents, are often used to give flexibility and durability to automotive plastics, such as those found in car interiors. Prolonged exposures to these contaminants are linked to lung disease, kidney and liver problems, premature births, and birth defects.
Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Aromatic hydrocarbons are a third type of toxin typically found in automobiles. Released into the air when the temperature rises in a closed car, these natural chemical compounds are acknowledged pathogens.
In addition to contributing to numerous health conditions, aromatic hydrocarbons can worsen allergy symptoms. Opening windows and airing out the car can reduce exposure and potential health risks.
guest post by Mr. Brian Turner
mail : brian.turner752@gmail.com
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